Problematic Internet Use And Cyber Bullying İn Vocational School Students

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 3
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Konu : null


This study investigated the relationships between vocational school students’ problematic internet use and cyber bullying behaviors. A total of 563 vocational school students (314 males and 249 females) attending various departments in the vocational schools in Bolu province. Problematic Internet Usage Scale and Cyber Bullying Scale were used in the study. Multiple linear regression analysis was utilized in data analysis. According to analysis results, time spent online and problematic internet use accounted for 13.8% of the variance in cyber bullying.



This study investigated the relationships between vocational school students’ problematic internet use and cyber bullying behaviors. A total of 563 vocational school students (314 males and 249 females) attending various departments in the vocational schools in Bolu province. Problematic Internet Usage Scale and Cyber Bullying Scale were used in the study. Multiple linear regression analysis was utilized in data analysis. According to analysis results, time spent online and problematic internet use accounted for 13.8% of the variance in cyber bullying.


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