Students’ Value Orientations School Of Physical Education And Sports

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 3
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Aim of this research is to determine the opinions of the students related to the orientations of value at School of Physical Education and Sports. The research is a hatching model. Scale is used as a tool of data collection. The tool of data collection was applied to 625 students totally, including 175 students of School of Physical Education and Sports (SPES) at ANKARA University, 265 students of School of Physical Education and Sports (SPES) at Gazi University, 185 students of School of Sports Sciences and Technology (SSST) at Hacettepe University. Whether the value orientations are different or not in terms of gender have been tested by non-related t-test, on the other hand, opinions on the schools and classes have been tested by One-Way Anavo test. LSD test has been used to test the differences among the groups. The first most important three values are determined as being successful, being virtuous and being smart. However three values, which have the least importance, have been determined as being rich, living an exciting life and kindness. Male students attach more importance to dimension of stimulation than female students. Students of SPES at Ankara University attach more importance to dimension of self-direction than students of SSST at Hacettepe University and students of SPES at Gazi University.



Aim of this research is to determine the opinions of the students related to the orientations of value at School of Physical Education and Sports. The research is a hatching model. Scale is used as a tool of data collection. The tool of data collection was applied to 625 students totally, including 175 students of School of Physical Education and Sports (SPES) at ANKARA University, 265 students of School of Physical Education and Sports (SPES) at Gazi University, 185 students of School of Sports Sciences and Technology (SSST) at Hacettepe University. Whether the value orientations are different or not in terms of gender have been tested by non-related t-test, on the other hand, opinions on the schools and classes have been tested by One-Way Anavo test. LSD test has been used to test the differences among the groups. The first most important three values are determined as being successful, being virtuous and being smart. However three values, which have the least importance, have been determined as being rich, living an exciting life and kindness. Male students attach more importance to dimension of stimulation than female students. Students of SPES at Ankara University attach more importance to dimension of self-direction than students of SSST at Hacettepe University and students of SPES at Gazi University.


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