Examining Science Teacher Candidates’ Entrepreneurial Characteristics According To Some Variables

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


One of the purposes of the 2013 science program was to develop entrepreneur features of the students. Entrepreneurship is the new concept for science. Because of this there can be said that the students, science teacher candidates, and science teachers are lack of entrepreneurship culture. In this research, it was aimed to investigate the entrepreneurship features of science teacher candidates in terms of some variables (grade level, gender, work experience, and award received in any field. The research data was obtained from the 963 science teacher candidates studying in five different universities. The data was collected through a 5 point Likert type measurement instrument consisting of five factors (risk taking, self-confidence, considering the opportunities, emotional intelligence, and being innovative) which was developed by the researchers. The data was analyzed through Kolmogorov-Simirnov Test, U Test, and H Test. According to the results of this research; males were better for the features of risk taking and being innovative in terms of gender, more experienced people were better for the features of risk taking, emotional intelligence, considering the opportunities, and being innovative in terms of work experience, significant results were obtained with respect to risk taking, self-confidence, considering the opportunities, and being innovative in favor of formerly award receivers in terms award receiving. Besides, it was seen that only senior students were had more innovative features with respect other grade levels at the dimension of being innovative in terms of grade level. In this respect, there could be said that gender, work experience, taking award, and grade level variables should be considered in conducted researches on the issue of entrepreneurship in science education.



One of the purposes of the 2013 science program was to develop entrepreneur features of the students. Entrepreneurship is the new concept for science. Because of this there can be said that the students, science teacher candidates, and science teachers are lack of entrepreneurship culture. In this research, it was aimed to investigate the entrepreneurship features of science teacher candidates in terms of some variables (grade level, gender, work experience, and award received in any field. The research data was obtained from the 963 science teacher candidates studying in five different universities. The data was collected through a 5 point Likert type measurement instrument consisting of five factors (risk taking, self-confidence, considering the opportunities, emotional intelligence, and being innovative) which was developed by the researchers. The data was analyzed through Kolmogorov-Simirnov Test, U Test, and H Test. According to the results of this research; males were better for the features of risk taking and being innovative in terms of gender, more experienced people were better for the features of risk taking, emotional intelligence, considering the opportunities, and being innovative in terms of work experience, significant results were obtained with respect to risk taking, self-confidence, considering the opportunities, and being innovative in favor of formerly award receivers in terms award receiving. Besides, it was seen that only senior students were had more innovative features with respect other grade levels at the dimension of being innovative in terms of grade level. In this respect, there could be said that gender, work experience, taking award, and grade level variables should be considered in conducted researches on the issue of entrepreneurship in science education.


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