Sociolinguistic Factors For The Speaking Skills Of Foreigners Learning Turkish

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 3
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Linguistic approaches pronounce that for a text to be formed in a meaningful and healthy way, it needs to have “cohesion”. Consistency and communicativeness of any text produced via the oral performance of the foreing students learning Turkish depend on their characteristics of cohesion. Halliday ve Matthiessen (2004) propose four major categories to create cohesion: intratextual reference, ellipsis, conjunction, and substitution (akt. Akıncı, 2007). This study aims to reveal the tendencies of learners from different geographies to order the sentences and their preferences on how often they use the subordinating conjunctions In this context, a comparative study was conducted comparing the cohesive features on oral texts of the learners of B2+ level at TÖMER in Sakarya University from the Balkan countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria and the learners at the same level from Turkic Republics such as Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan. The research is based on a field study and is a qualitative research. The study results revealed that students from different geographical regions use subordinating conjunctions and coordinate conjunctions in a different frequency.



Linguistic approaches pronounce that for a text to be formed in a meaningful and healthy way, it needs to have “cohesion”. Consistency and communicativeness of any text produced via the oral performance of the foreing students learning Turkish depend on their characteristics of cohesion. Halliday ve Matthiessen (2004) propose four major categories to create cohesion: intratextual reference, ellipsis, conjunction, and substitution (akt. Akıncı, 2007). This study aims to reveal the tendencies of learners from different geographies to order the sentences and their preferences on how often they use the subordinating conjunctions In this context, a comparative study was conducted comparing the cohesive features on oral texts of the learners of B2+ level at TÖMER in Sakarya University from the Balkan countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria and the learners at the same level from Turkic Republics such as Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan. The research is based on a field study and is a qualitative research. The study results revealed that students from different geographical regions use subordinating conjunctions and coordinate conjunctions in a different frequency.


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