The Prediction of Decision Self Esteem and Decision Making Styles by Mindfulness

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Year-Number: 2015-Volume 7, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


Aim of this research is to investigate whether mindfulness predict decision self esteem and decision making styles. For this aim the sample consists of 597 university students (323 female and 274 male). Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) (adapted into Turkish by Ozyesil, Arslan, Kesici and Deniz, 2011) and Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire I-II (adapted into Turkish by Deniz, 2004) was used to collect data. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between mindfulness and Buck passing (r=-.20, p<.001), procrastination (r=-.21, p<.001) and hyper vigilance (r=-.22, p<.001) –subscales of decision making styles-. Also it was found that mindfulness is a significant predictor of decision making styles. According to findings of study, 3.9% of variance in buck passing, 4.6% of variance in procrastination and 4.7% of variance in hyper vigilance –subscales of decision making styles- are explained by mindfulness.



Aim of this research is to investigate whether mindfulness predict decision self esteem and decision making styles. For this aim the sample consists of 597 university students (323 female and 274 male). Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) (adapted into Turkish by Ozyesil, Arslan, Kesici and Deniz, 2011) and Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire I-II (adapted into Turkish by Deniz, 2004) was used to collect data. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between mindfulness and Buck passing (r=-.20, p<.001), procrastination (r=-.21, p<.001) and hyper vigilance (r=-.22, p<.001) –subscales of decision making styles-. Also it was found that mindfulness is a significant predictor of decision making styles. According to findings of study, 3.9% of variance in buck passing, 4.6% of variance in procrastination and 4.7% of variance in hyper vigilance –subscales of decision making styles- are explained by mindfulness.


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