Language Use of Turkish Speaking Communities in the United Kingdom (A Case Study According to the Views of Families, Teachers and Students)

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 2
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First Turkish existance in England is based on acquiring the English citizenship with the conservation of Cyprus in 1987 by England. First immigration of Turkish people was made by Turkish people as a result of pressure of Greeks in Cyprus started in 1940 and increased in 1974. The immigration from Turkey was started in 1970 because of educational, economic and politic reasons. Furthermore many Turkish people immigrated from Asia, Russia and East Europe. All of the can be called “The community speaking Turkish”.This people’s childrens are bilingual and it is questionable whether which language is their mother language. Normally as long as knowing mother language well being bilingual is advantageous. But the reaserces have shown that for Turkish bilingual children bilingulism is disadvantageous. Unconsious families, being careless on awareness of bilingulism are the reason for their low language levels in two languages. In this research it is concluded that English level of the children between 5 and 16 is higher and families try to preserve their children Turkish level but the teachers don’t consider that this levels are satisfactory. It is determined that families efforts are inconcious and Turkish schools and courses are not sufficent because of many reasons.



First Turkish existance in England is based on acquiring the English citizenship with the conservation of Cyprus in 1987 by England. First immigration of Turkish people was made by Turkish people as a result of pressure of Greeks in Cyprus started in 1940 and increased in 1974. The immigration from Turkey was started in 1970 because of educational, economic and politic reasons. Furthermore many Turkish people immigrated from Asia, Russia and East Europe. All of the can be called “The community speaking Turkish”.This people’s childrens are bilingual and it is questionable whether which language is their mother language. Normally as long as knowing mother language well being bilingual is advantageous. But the reaserces have shown that for Turkish bilingual children bilingulism is disadvantageous. Unconsious families, being careless on awareness of bilingulism are the reason for their low language levels in two languages. In this research it is concluded that English level of the children between 5 and 16 is higher and families try to preserve their children Turkish level but the teachers don’t consider that this levels are satisfactory. It is determined that families efforts are inconcious and Turkish schools and courses are not sufficent because of many reasons.


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