The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Levels and Academic Achievement (Pages: 165 - 182)

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Year-Number: 2014-Volume 6, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


This study examined the relationship of emotional intelligence to academic achievement in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. The study consisted of students at a vocational high school. The Bar-On emotional intelligence scale was used; it comprises five dimensions and fifteen sub-dimensions. It was found that emotional intelligence did not have a significant influence on academic performance in sciences and mathematics courses as a whole. However, the influence of emotional intelligence on academic achievement in science and mathematics courses became obvious when the sub-dimensions of emotional intelligence were analyzed. Accordingly, it was established that the sub-dimensions of self-actualization, social responsibility, stress-tolerance and impulse-control were predictors, although they varied by the type of science and mathematics course.



This study examined the relationship of emotional intelligence to academic achievement in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. The study consisted of students at a vocational high school. The Bar-On emotional intelligence scale was used; it comprises five dimensions and fifteen sub-dimensions. It was found that emotional intelligence did not have a significant influence on academic performance in sciences and mathematics courses as a whole. However, the influence of emotional intelligence on academic achievement in science and mathematics courses became obvious when the sub-dimensions of emotional intelligence were analyzed. Accordingly, it was established that the sub-dimensions of self-actualization, social responsibility, stress-tolerance and impulse-control were predictors, although they varied by the type of science and mathematics course.


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