Development of Leadership Skills Scale for Students (Pages: 539-550)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


The purpose of the research was to develop a valid and reliable scale aiming to measure the leadership skills of students attending grades 6 to 8. The sample of the research subjects consists of 571 students who attend from grades 6-8. To validate the scale, the authors consulted with experts to establish content validity. To establish construct validity, exploratory factor analysis conducted on the scale. The scale of 41 items factored into 10 sub-scales. After confirmatory factor analysis, we found that the model of the scale is hypothetically and statistically convenient. To establish reliability of the scale, internal consistency coefficient, split half reliability and test-retest reliability was used. The study found that the psychometric properties of leadership skills scale are acceptable and suitable for use.



The purpose of the research was to develop a valid and reliable scale aiming to measure the leadership skills of students attending grades 6 to 8. The sample of the research subjects consists of 571 students who attend from grades 6-8. To validate the scale, the authors consulted with experts to establish content validity. To establish construct validity, exploratory factor analysis conducted on the scale. The scale of 41 items factored into 10 sub-scales. After confirmatory factor analysis, we found that the model of the scale is hypothetically and statistically convenient. To establish reliability of the scale, internal consistency coefficient, split half reliability and test-retest reliability was used. The study found that the psychometric properties of leadership skills scale are acceptable and suitable for use.


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