An Investigation of the Learning Styles and Teacher Self-Efficacy Levels of Perception of Pre-serviceTeachers According to Various Variables (667-684)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 3
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The purpose of this study, examine the relationship between pre-service teachers' learning styles and self-efficacy perceptions. Gender, faculty, learning styles, and learning strategies differences were also searched in this context. For this purpose 369 (226 females; 143 males) students are randomly recruited from Faculty of arts and science and Faculty of Education, in University of Mugla Sıtkı Kocman. To collect data, Grasha-Reichmann Learning Style Scale and Teacher Self-efficacy Scale were used. The group differencess were tested by t-test and F statistics with Tukey HSD post comparison range test. Correlational statistics was also employed to search for relationships among all variables. The findings showed that the gender faculty, learning styles, and learning strategies level differences exist on learning styles and self-efficacy perception the results are discussed in the light of previous findings and in the context of learning styles and self-efficacy perception, conducting future research for implications as well.



The purpose of this study, examine the relationship between pre-service teachers' learning styles and self-efficacy perceptions. Gender, faculty, learning styles, and learning strategies differences were also searched in this context. For this purpose 369 (226 females; 143 males) students are randomly recruited from Faculty of arts and science and Faculty of Education, in University of Mugla Sıtkı Kocman. To collect data, Grasha-Reichmann Learning Style Scale and Teacher Self-efficacy Scale were used. The group differencess were tested by t-test and F statistics with Tukey HSD post comparison range test. Correlational statistics was also employed to search for relationships among all variables. The findings showed that the gender faculty, learning styles, and learning strategies level differences exist on learning styles and self-efficacy perception the results are discussed in the light of previous findings and in the context of learning styles and self-efficacy perception, conducting future research for implications as well.


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