Views of Independent Kindergarten Teachers about Inspection Done by Province Inspectors (Pages: 685-700)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


The purpose of this study was first to determine the current situation of the quality of the supervision processes done by provincial supervisors according to the views of independent kindergarten teachers and secondly to draw some conclusions out of the findings and make recommendations in order to develop kindergarten supervising processes. Qualitative research design has been used in this study. This research has been conducted in 2011, in the province of Antalya. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview form. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. In relation to the findings it can be asserted that current supervisory applications do not reflect the requirements of the modern supervision approach. The findings show that the current supervisors who are indeed experts in the field of primary school education are likely to cause undesired results in supervising preschool education. So, first of all, the current supervisors need to be trained by in-service training programs in the short run and substituted with new supervisors who are experts in this field having graduate or postgraduate education levels as much as possible in the long term.



The purpose of this study was first to determine the current situation of the quality of the supervision processes done by provincial supervisors according to the views of independent kindergarten teachers and secondly to draw some conclusions out of the findings and make recommendations in order to develop kindergarten supervising processes. Qualitative research design has been used in this study. This research has been conducted in 2011, in the province of Antalya. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview form. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. In relation to the findings it can be asserted that current supervisory applications do not reflect the requirements of the modern supervision approach. The findings show that the current supervisors who are indeed experts in the field of primary school education are likely to cause undesired results in supervising preschool education. So, first of all, the current supervisors need to be trained by in-service training programs in the short run and substituted with new supervisors who are experts in this field having graduate or postgraduate education levels as much as possible in the long term.


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