Relationship between Stigma Tendencies of School Administrators’ and Teachers’ and Organizational Culture (Pages: 783-797)

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Year-Number: 2013-Volume 5, Issue 3
Language : null
Konu : null


The purpose of the study is to determine relationship between stigma tendencies of school administrators’ and teachers’ and organizational culture by using quantitative research methods. Relational survey model is used in research. Administrators’ and teachers’ opinions on stigma tendencies and organizational culture were reviewed. Research sample is consisted of 655 teachers and 125 administrators who have been working in public schools (elementary and high) in Zonguldak. Stigma Scale and School Culture Scale was used for data collection. Mean, standard deviation, independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, Peason correlation coefficient techniques was used by analyzing of collected data. According to research results, administrators’ and teachers’ stigma tendencies was high in psychological health and prejudice sub-scales and so primary schools’ organizational culture was relatively stronger than both of vocational high schools and academic high schools; stigma tendencies of teachers who have been working in vocational high schools was higher than teachers who have been working in primary school and academic high school; stigma tendencies of academic high school administrators’ was higher than primary school administrators and vocational high school administrators. Finally, we can say that, stigma tendency is one of the factors affecting school culture negatively. If administrators’ and teachers’ stigma tendencies are decreased, school culture will strengthen.



The purpose of the study is to determine relationship between stigma tendencies of school administrators’ and teachers’ and organizational culture by using quantitative research methods. Relational survey model is used in research. Administrators’ and teachers’ opinions on stigma tendencies and organizational culture were reviewed. Research sample is consisted of 655 teachers and 125 administrators who have been working in public schools (elementary and high) in Zonguldak. Stigma Scale and School Culture Scale was used for data collection. Mean, standard deviation, independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, Peason correlation coefficient techniques was used by analyzing of collected data. According to research results, administrators’ and teachers’ stigma tendencies was high in psychological health and prejudice sub-scales and so primary schools’ organizational culture was relatively stronger than both of vocational high schools and academic high schools; stigma tendencies of teachers who have been working in vocational high schools was higher than teachers who have been working in primary school and academic high school; stigma tendencies of academic high school administrators’ was higher than primary school administrators and vocational high school administrators. Finally, we can say that, stigma tendency is one of the factors affecting school culture negatively. If administrators’ and teachers’ stigma tendencies are decreased, school culture will strengthen.


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