The Development and Support of Creativity in Early Childhood Period

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 2
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Creativity is a talent that has existed since the day man was created and exists in every human being. Creative thinking is a force. When the studies on creativity are examined, it can be seen that they are usually on who we are as creative individuals, what we do and what product we create in the end, so far. With regards to development, creativity is closely connected with cognitive development and the development of the brain. To support creativity, the child’s development should be taken as a whole and game playing, which is the most significant task for the child, and imitation, one of the most important methods of learning, should be used. In this article, the active games that can be used to develop the creativity of children, particularly in the early childhood period, are elaborated in detail.



Creativity is a talent that has existed since the day man was created and exists in every human being. Creative thinking is a force. When the studies on creativity are examined, it can be seen that they are usually on who we are as creative individuals, what we do and what product we create in the end, so far. With regards to development, creativity is closely connected with cognitive development and the development of the brain. To support creativity, the child’s development should be taken as a whole and game playing, which is the most significant task for the child, and imitation, one of the most important methods of learning, should be used. In this article, the active games that can be used to develop the creativity of children, particularly in the early childhood period, are elaborated in detail.


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