Exploring The Teachers’ Cyber Bullying Awareness in terms of Various Variables

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 2
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The aim of this study is to explore teachers’ what cyber bullying awareness in terms of gender, rank, age, field, and ability to use tools which can use aim of cyber bullying. The participations of the survey include 140 teachers who have attended in-service training course conducted by Ministry of National Education. During the study, developed a scale is used by the researchers find out measure teachers’ of cyber bullying awareness. At the end of this study it has shown that teacher’s measurement of cyber bullying awareness of the teachers won’t show any differences in terms of gender, rank, age, field and the ability to use tools. It’s emphasized that more activities should be done to improve cyber bullying awareness of teachers’.



The aim of this study is to explore teachers’ what cyber bullying awareness in terms of gender, rank, age, field, and ability to use tools which can use aim of cyber bullying. The participations of the survey include 140 teachers who have attended in-service training course conducted by Ministry of National Education. During the study, developed a scale is used by the researchers find out measure teachers’ of cyber bullying awareness. At the end of this study it has shown that teacher’s measurement of cyber bullying awareness of the teachers won’t show any differences in terms of gender, rank, age, field and the ability to use tools. It’s emphasized that more activities should be done to improve cyber bullying awareness of teachers’.


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