Science and Technology Teachers’ Situation of Integrating History of Science into Their Lessons

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Year-Number: 2011-Volume 3, Issue 2
Language : null
Konu : null


It is aimed to determine the opinions of science and technology teachers on the importance of history of science and how they include it in their lessons. Study group is comprised of 21 science and technology teachers. A form made up of open ended-questions is used as data collection tool. Findings are evaluated through content analysis. At the end of the study, it is determined that science and technology teachers do not have enough understanding of the importance of history of science. Teachers, who are the subject of the research, mostly focus on conceptual aspect of science and accordingly they include science history within their efforts to provide scientific knowledge to the students. It is determined that they generally do not focus on how science operates, how scientists conduct a research, under which conditions the studies are conducted, how social, cultural and economic characteristics impact these studies.



It is aimed to determine the opinions of science and technology teachers on the importance of history of science and how they include it in their lessons. Study group is comprised of 21 science and technology teachers. A form made up of open ended-questions is used as data collection tool. Findings are evaluated through content analysis. At the end of the study, it is determined that science and technology teachers do not have enough understanding of the importance of history of science. Teachers, who are the subject of the research, mostly focus on conceptual aspect of science and accordingly they include science history within their efforts to provide scientific knowledge to the students. It is determined that they generally do not focus on how science operates, how scientists conduct a research, under which conditions the studies are conducted, how social, cultural and economic characteristics impact these studies.


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