The Relation Among Candidate Teachers' Computer Self-efficacy And Their Attitude Towards The Internet With Their Achievement

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Year-Number: 2010-Volume 2, Issue 3
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation among computer self efficacy perception level and attitude towards the internet with achievement of candidate teachers. Candidate teachers studying in educational faculties are chosen for the universe. The sample determined by appropriate sampling method includes total 342 candidate teachers, 34.80 % (n=119) from Cyprus International University (CIU), 38.30 % (n=131) from Adnan Menderes University (ADU) and 26.90 % (n=92) from Istanbul University (IU). As a data collecting instrument, Perception of Computer Self Efficacy Scale which was developed by Aşkar ve Umay (2001) and whose Cronbach alpha reliability was found as .71 was used for the study, Attitude Towards Internet Scale which was developed by Tavşancıl and Keser (2001) also used in this study. In addition to these scales, candidate teachers’ achievement scores were obtained from student affairs. For the analysis of the data frequency, mean, t-test, F-test (ANOVA), and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient were used. Significance level was taken as .05. As a result, it was determined that the university in which the students studied is effective on self-efficacy of computer and attitude towards the internet and computer course success of the students, gender independent variable is effective only on computer course success of the students, and it was also determined that there is significant correlation among self-efficacy of computer, attitude towards the internet and computer course success of the students.



The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation among computer self efficacy perception level and attitude towards the internet with achievement of candidate teachers. Candidate teachers studying in educational faculties are chosen for the universe. The sample determined by appropriate sampling method includes total 342 candidate teachers, 34.80 % (n=119) from Cyprus International University (CIU), 38.30 % (n=131) from Adnan Menderes University (ADU) and 26.90 % (n=92) from Istanbul University (IU). As a data collecting instrument, Perception of Computer Self Efficacy Scale which was developed by Aşkar ve Umay (2001) and whose Cronbach alpha reliability was found as .71 was used for the study, Attitude Towards Internet Scale which was developed by Tavşancıl and Keser (2001) also used in this study. In addition to these scales, candidate teachers’ achievement scores were obtained from student affairs. For the analysis of the data frequency, mean, t-test, F-test (ANOVA), and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient were used. Significance level was taken as .05. As a result, it was determined that the university in which the students studied is effective on self-efficacy of computer and attitude towards the internet and computer course success of the students, gender independent variable is effective only on computer course success of the students, and it was also determined that there is significant correlation among self-efficacy of computer, attitude towards the internet and computer course success of the students.


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