An Investigation of the Relationship Between Shyness and Loneliness Levels of Elementary Students

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Year-Number: 2010-Volume 2, Issue 2
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The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship between the shyness and loneliness levels of elementary students. This research has been conducted in accordance with general screening model. The target population of the research is constituted of 470 elementary students. Pearson moments correlation coefficient technique, independent samples t-test and regression test have been employed for analysing the data. As a result of the research, it has been found out that the shyness levels of male students were found to be higher than the female students. It has also been found out that female students feel more loneliness than male students. It was also found out that there is a positive relationship between students’ shyness and loneliness levels. In order to find out the prediction level of shyness on loneliness, the regression analysis was made. According to the result of the study, shyness predicts loneliness by 2 %. At the end of the research, the findings were commented under other research findings and some recommendations were put forward.



The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship between the shyness and loneliness levels of elementary students. This research has been conducted in accordance with general screening model. The target population of the research is constituted of 470 elementary students. Pearson moments correlation coefficient technique, independent samples t-test and regression test have been employed for analysing the data. As a result of the research, it has been found out that the shyness levels of male students were found to be higher than the female students. It has also been found out that female students feel more loneliness than male students. It was also found out that there is a positive relationship between students’ shyness and loneliness levels. In order to find out the prediction level of shyness on loneliness, the regression analysis was made. According to the result of the study, shyness predicts loneliness by 2 %. At the end of the research, the findings were commented under other research findings and some recommendations were put forward.


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