A Suggesstion on PCT Development in Teacher Education: Pedagogical Thinking

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Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 4
Language : null
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Number of pages: 42-63
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The purpose of this case study was to investigate how practices based on pedagogical thinking (PT) can be used to develop pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and skills related to CK in teacher candidates. Activities based on PT model aimed at improving teaching equality during the decision-making process as teachers prepare, plan, and implement their lessons. In this study, specific skills for PCK development were examined. The study group consisted of eight sophomore special education teacher candidates (six females and two males) who were selected using the criteria sampling method. The data of the study consisted of unstructured observation notes, reflection texts, lesson plans, and diaries. Our results showed that PT-based learning applications facilitated the development of PCK in the study group in four main areas: 1) curriculum knowledge, 2) learning objectives analysis, 3) the learning–teaching process, and 4) CK.


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