Children’s Use Of Technology And Its Negative Impacts From Mother’s Perspective

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Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 4
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 11-22
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The increased rate of technology usage that started globally with Generation Y has climbed to even higher levels with Generation Z. Widespread Internet usage has come with some risks that are now threatening children such as bullying, racism, deception and sexual abuse. The main purpose of this research is to consider mothers’ opinions of their children’s habits in using technological tools and the problems observed in children due to the use of technology and addresses in detail how mothers manage their children’s technology use and the problems associated with this usage. This research was carried out with 20 mothers whose children are primary school students. The content analysis method was used for the analysis of the data obtained during the research. The data obtained during the research was evaluated by two different specialists to determine the relevant themes. The inter-observer reliability coefficients regarding these two evaluations were calculated. It can be said that the surveyed mothers generally perceive themselves as adequate mothers. Research findings show that mothers generally see themselves as a parent enough. Most of the mothers stated that the use of technology caused some problems in their children. However, it can be said that mothers are insufficient to cope with these problems and that they exhibit inconsistent behaviors in coping with problem behaviors.


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