A Comparison of In-Service Training Programs in Turkey and South Korea

Author :  

Ümran Şahin

Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 5
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 234-247
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




In this study, the top three in the ranking of PISA and TIMS with success in examinations such as ın-service training programs in education, which is located in South Korea failed in this test was to evaluate the comparative ın-service training program in Turkey's education. With this study, it is aimed to reveal if there are differences in the in-service trainings which are part of the teacher training which is one of the factors that are thought to be successful or fail in education in the two countries showing success and failure in PISA and TIMS results. A descriptive research model was used as an appropriate type of research for presenting the situation in the research and for making cross-country comparisons. This research is a comparative education research because the comparison of the ın-service training systems of the selected countries is made in this study. While collecting data on the subject in the research, criteria have been established and in line with these criteria South Korea and Turkey related in-service trainings were utilized by the books, dissertations, articles, institutions and institutions responsible for ministry education of countries, legal documents, public records, written by people and institutions resources. The update of the obtained resources has been taken into consideration. Documents which are accepted as data for research are descriptively examined and classified according to sub-objectives. Then, similarities and differences between the in-service trainings of the two countries were determined. The results are interpreted and developed in line with the findings of the comparison


Teacher Education In-Service Training PISA and TIMS

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