Do the Emotional Intelligence Levels of Prospective Teachers and Their Gestalt Contact Styles Predict Being Solution-Focused?

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Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 4
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 106-118
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The levels of empathy in teacher-student relationships and problem solving levels of teachers have been among the most studied subjects in educational environments. There was no study in which teachers' emotional intelligence, whether they had a solution-oriented approach and the ways of making contact were examined together. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and Gestalt contact styles and possessing a solution-focused point of view. Additionally, whether or not the aforementioned variables differentiated based on the type of teaching education the participants received was investigated. 840 prospective teachers participated in the study. The Solution-Focused Inventory, Emotional Intelligence Scale and Gestalt Contact Scale were utilised. It was determined that the students from education faculties were more solution-focused and scored significantly higher points in communication contact style in comparison to those who were in the formation groups. Moreover, it was concluded that emotional intelligence and gestalt contact styles predicted being solution-focused at a rate of 22%.


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