The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of group counseling using poetry on university students’ empathy level. The Scale of Dimension of Interpersonal Relationship Empathy Subscale was used to identify participants’ empathy level. In order to examine participants' ideas about group counseling process and sessions Group Counselling Assessment Form and a journal of sessions were also used. There were 16 group members in each experiment and control group. Participants were undergraduate students at Cukurova University. Quantitative data were analyzed by using SPSS 22 packet program to find out the effects of group counseling with poem on the empathy level. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis method. Results showed that group counseling had a positive and significant effect on university students' empathy scores and this effect was permanent during the time. Qualitative results of the study also supported this result.
@article{2019,title={The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students},abstractNode={},author={Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı},year={2019},journal={International Online Journal of Educational Sciences}}
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı . 2019 . The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.DOI:10.15345/iojes.2019.05.020
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı.(2019).The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı,"The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students" , International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2019)
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı . 2019 . The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2019. DOI:10.15345/iojes.2019.05.020
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı .The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2019)
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı .The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2019)
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı. (2019) .The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı . The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2019 doi:10.15345/iojes.2019.05.020
Ersun Çıplak-- Meral Atıcı."The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling on the Empathy Levels of University Students",International Online Journal of Educational Sciences(2019)
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