School Effectiveness and School Administrators Meeting Management Competencies

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Year-Number: 2019-Volume 11, Issue 5
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 226-233
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Meetings are unquestionably important and necessary for all organizations. Because effective and efficient management of meetings results in the effectiveness of the organization. An effective school climate stimulates stakeholders to focus more on their school related roles. To accomplish this mission school administrators should be knowledgeable in employing all dimensions of meeting management. Therefore the relationship between meeting management and school effectiveness is one of the most important issues that needs to be addressed and investigated. In this study, it was aimed to examine the relationship between school effectiveness and meeting management competencies of administrators in schools. This study was conducted based on relational screening model. The population of the study is teachers who were working in high schools located in eastern part of Turkey during 2017-2018 academic year. There were 1352 teachers in the universe of the research and 202 teachers participated in the study which for analysis. For participant selection, simple random sampling method was used. In order to collect data, Meeting Management Adequacy Assessment Scale (MMAAS) and Effective School Scale (ESS) were used together. According to the first finding, the participants reported that both effectiveness of their schools and effectiveness of meeting management were at sufficient level. Also, the participant teachers stated that their school administrators had the highest level of qualification in preparation process and the lowest level of qualification in task leadership in meetings. Another important finding of this study was the high level of correlation between school administrators' meeting management competencies and school effectiveness.


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