This aim of this study is to explore the effects of perceived internal and external barriers to technology integration on lifelong learning tendencies among teacher candidates. The research was designed based on general survey model in accordance with the relational survey model a quantitative research method, and 279 teacher candidates, were studying in the third and fourth grade of different departments of Faculty of Education at Kırşehir Ahi Evran University in the spring term of 2018-2019 academic year and who had been graduated previously, were involved to the study. According to the results while lifelong learning tendencies was affected directly and negatively by internal barriers, internal barriers was affected directly and positively by external barriers. Furthermore, lifelong learning tendencies, openness to improvement, and willingness to learn variables were affected indirectly and negatively by external barriers. Moreover, openness to improvement, and willingness to learn variables were indirectly and negatively affected by internal barriers. It is believed that the findings could contribute to understand the impact of barriers on teacher candidates’ lifelong learning tendencies.
@article{2020,title={The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates},abstractNode={},author={Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin},year={2020},journal={International Online Journal of Educational Sciences}}
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin . 2020 . The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.DOI:10.15345/iojes.2020.02.011
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin.(2020).The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin,"The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates" , International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2020)
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin . 2020 . The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2020. DOI:10.15345/iojes.2020.02.011
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin .The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2020)
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin .The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2020)
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin. (2020) .The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin . The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2020 doi:10.15345/iojes.2020.02.011
Uğur Başarmak- Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu - Yusuf Levent Şahin."The Effects of Perceived Internal and External Barriers to Technology Integration on Lifelong Learning Tendencies among Teacher Candidates",International Online Journal of Educational Sciences(2020)
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