The purpose of this study is to examine the informed consent forms of the master’s theses and doctorate dissertations in educational sciences departments in Turkey; and to reach a conclusion about whether the informed consent forms have the related informed consent criteria (competence, voluntariness, disclosure, recommendation, understanding, decision and authorization) as proposed by previous studies. This study is designed as documentary analysis, and the data was obtained from master and doctorate theses which have been approved by social sciences and educational sciences institutions, and submitted to the National Theses Center founded by the Council of Higher Education (CoHE). Results indicated some deficiencies on consent forms, and some studies even did not report consent forms in master thesis and doctorate dissertations. The results of the study are discussed in the light of the existing literature. Finally, for ensuring responsible research conduct, some recommendations were provided.
@article{2020,title={An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences},abstractNode={},author={Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı},year={2020},journal={International Online Journal of Educational Sciences}}
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı . 2020 . An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.DOI:10.15345/iojes.2020.02.008
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı.(2020).An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı,"An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences" , International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2020)
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı . 2020 . An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2020. DOI:10.15345/iojes.2020.02.008
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı .An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2020)
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı .An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2020)
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı. (2020) .An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı . An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2020 doi:10.15345/iojes.2020.02.008
Özgür Önen- Funda Eryılmaz Ballı."An Examination of Informed Consent Forms in Masters and Doctorate Theses of Educational Sciences",International Online Journal of Educational Sciences(2020)
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