Investigation of Social Studies Prospective Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching Profession

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Year-Number: 2020-Volume 12, Issue 2
Language : English
Konu :
Number of pages: 153-168
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This study was conducted to present motivation levels of prospective social studies teachers about teaching profession. A scale consisted of 23 questions was applied to 202 prospective students studying at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades in Social Studies Teaching department of Education faculty at Uşak University . In the research it was tried to determine the students’ motivation levels about their profession and whether they vary according to variables such as gender, class, willingness (voluntariness), high school graduation, settlement unit, educational status of their parents, and their families’ monthly income. According to the results of the study, the overall motivation average of social studies teacher candidates is above average with 3.6 out of 5. The average response of the participants to the questions is high and it is in the 'agree' range. Pre-service teachers have partially motivation problems. According to the results abstained in the research motivation levels of female prospective social studies teachers is higher than male prospective social studies teachers. The motivation level of those started studying social studies course willingly is higher than the ones who started unwillingly. Besides that, for the variable of family social economic level, no meaningful difference was found. However, two meaningful differences were found in two variables: one in location variable and one related to maternal educational status Besides those, no meaningful difference was seen among the other variables.


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