Development and Validation of the School Administrators’ Work Motivation Scale (SAWMS)

Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 5
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-10-20 12:09:44.0
Language : English
Konu : Eğitim Bilimleri
Number of pages: 1310-1324
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


A systematic review of literature has revealed that there is no instrument which measures the motivational sources of school administrators that impact on their commitments and efforts although several studies have focused on the motivation concept in educational organizations. In this sense, there was a need to develop such a scale when we consider the significance of school administrators for an educational organization. for this purpose, the School Administrator Work Motivation Scale (SAWMS) has been developed. This study is a descriptive one that aims to examine the work motivation levels of school administrators. A total of 268 school administrators were recruited in this study. The reliability and validity analyses were conducted after the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the data obtained during the pilot study. As a result of the factor analysis it was found that items were collected under three factors, and the total variance of them was calculated as 59.07%. Before EFA which was conducted for each factor, the number of the items were 32, but factor analyses resulted in 15 items. The findings indicate that the item load values of the SAWMS are mostly at high level. The reliability coefficient of the scale was .87. In this sense, this scale can be considered as a reliable and valid data collection instrument.



A systematic review of literature has revealed that there is no instrument which measures the motivational sources of school administrators that impact on their commitments and efforts although several studies have focused on the motivation concept in educational organizations. In this sense, there was a need to develop such a scale when we consider the significance of school administrators for an educational organization. for this purpose, the School Administrator Work Motivation Scale (SAWMS) has been developed. This study is a descriptive one that aims to examine the work motivation levels of school administrators. A total of 268 school administrators were recruited in this study. The reliability and validity analyses were conducted after the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the data obtained during the pilot study. As a result of the factor analysis it was found that items were collected under three factors, and the total variance of them was calculated as 59.07%. Before EFA which was conducted for each factor, the number of the items were 32, but factor analyses resulted in 15 items. The findings indicate that the item load values of the SAWMS are mostly at high level. The reliability coefficient of the scale was .87. In this sense, this scale can be considered as a reliable and valid data collection instrument.


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