Workaholism and Free Time Management among High School Teachers

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Year-Number: 2020-Volume 12, Issue 5
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2020-11-02 22:16:47.0
Language : English
Konu : Interdisciplinary educational sciences, leisure studies
Number of pages: 263-270
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




This study aimed to have an opinion about the workaholism level of the high school teachers by classifying them as expressed in Spence and Robbins’ (1992) and examine their free time management understandings according to this classification. The study was designed as a one-shot quantitative study, and the study sample consisted of 178 high school teachers working in Kütahya Province. In the study to collect data, the Turkish version of Work Bat Scale (Naktiyok and Karabey 2005), and the Turkish version of Free Time Management Scale (Akgül and Karaküçük 2015) were used. In the analyzes of the data, first cluster analysis was used to explain the workaholism level of the participants, and MANOVA was used to examine their free time management understandings. As a result, this study showed that high school teachers gathered in two different workaholism clusters as enthusiastic workaholics and work enthusiasts. Besides, there was a significant difference between the clusters when considered jointly on the variable free time management.


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