Examination of Metaphoric Perceptions of Prospective Teachers Regarding the Concept of

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Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 3
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-03-29 16:18:46.0
Language : Turkish
Konu : Educational Sciences
Number of pages: 754-776
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Bu araştırmada, Eğitim fakültesi bünyesinde bulunan farklı bölümlerdeki öğretmen adayları ile pedagojik formasyon sertifika programlarında okuyan kursiyerlerin “pedagojik formasyon” kavramına yönelik algılarının metaforlar aracılığıyla belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma sürecinde nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından olgu bilim fenomenoloji kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu olasılığa dayalı örnekleme metodu kullanılarak belirlenmiş olan 180 pedagojik formasyon sertifika programı kursiyeri ve farklı bölümlerde okuyan 247 eğitim fakültesi öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan ve iki açık uçlu sorudan oluşan bir form kullanılmıştır. İlk olarak katılımcıların mezun oldukları ya da halen okudukları bölümlerini yazmaları istenilmiştir. Daha sonra “Pedagojik formasyon sertifika programı kursu………………………….gibidir. Çünkü………………………………….” şeklinde boş bırakılan bir ifadeyi metafor kullanarak doldurmaları istenilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda pedagojik formasyon kursiyerlerinin XX farklı kategoride, eğitim fakültesinde bulunan öğretmen adaylarının ise XX farklı kategoride metafor ürettikleri ve yalnızca doğa metaforu kategorisinin her iki grupta da ortak olarak yer aldığı belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları dikkate alındığında, pedagojik formasyon sertifika programları eğitim fakültesi öğretmen adayları için yetersiz ve birçok eksikliği bulunan ve öğretmen olabilmek için gerekli olan kriterleri tam olarak sağlayamayan bir program olarak anlaşılmakta, pedagojik formasyon sertifika programı kursunu alan kursiyerler açısından bakıldığında ise, mesleğe girişte bir önkoşul ve öğretmen olabilmek için bir fırsat olarak görülmektedir.


  • In the relevant literature, there exists many studies conducted in order to examine the subject of pedagogical formation and education faculties. These studies can be classified as studies based on only pedagogical formation, comparing pedagogical formation and the education faculty, examining the issue on department basis, and studies that were approached in terms of different variables (attitude towards the teaching profession, employment anxiety, professional competence, self-efficacy, metaphors and so on. These studies can be categorised as follows: • Attitudes, perceptions and views towards teaching profession (Bağçeci, Yıldırım, Kara & Keskinpalta, 2015; Bakaç & Özen, 2017; Biber & Tuna, 2015; Can, 2017; Demirtaş & Kırbaç, 2016; Eraslan & Çakıcı, 2011; Gül & Erkol, 2015; Kartal & Afacan, 2012; Kiraz & Dursun, 2015; Özdemir & Erol, 2015; Öztürk-Akar, 2018; Polat, 2013; Süral, 2014; Şengül-Bircan, 2019; Taneri, 2016; Tepeli & Caner, 2014) • Motivation and sensitivity towards the teaching profession (Altınkurt, Yılmaz & Erol, 2014; Uygun, 2016; Yıldırım, Alpaslan & Ulubey, 2019) • Analysis in terms of attitude towards multicultural education and different variables (Demircioğlu & Özdemir, 2014) • Self-efficacy perception (Birişçi & Kul, 2018; Dadandı, Kalyon & Yazıcı, 2016; Gömleksiz & Fidan, 2011; Yaşar-Ekici, 2017) • Learning styles (Güneş & Gökçek, 2012; Yazar, Oral & Özaltaş, 2013) • Professional competence (Adıgüzel, 2013; İzci, 1999; Süral & Sarıtaş, 2015; Temiz, 2016; Türkeli, Hazar, Tekkurşun-Demir & Namlı, 2017; Yalçın-İncik & Akay, 2015) • Academicians' views, problems and solution suggestions (Gurol, Türkan & Som, 2018) • Technological/technopedagogical pedagogical content knowledge levels (Akgün, Özgür & Çuhadar, 2016; Demir & Fırat-Durdukoca, 2018; Üzel & Mert-Uyangör, 2018; Yağcı, 2016) • Comparison of education faculty and pedagogical formation students - Digital literacy levels (Çetin, 2016), reflective and lateral thinking skills (Baykara-Özaydınlık & Erdem, 2017; Semerci, 2017; Uluçınar-Sağır & Bertiz, 2016), Levels of adaptation to business and professional life (Polat, 2017), comparison of professional identities (Gülbağcı-Dede & Akkoç, 2016), lifelong learning trends (Ergün & Kurnaz, 2017)

  • • Problems regarding the teaching profession (Aycan, 2015; Kıral, 2017; Sever, Çam-Aktaş, Alkın-Şahin &

  • Tunca, 2015) • Examining the burnout and resilience levels of the teaching profession (Büyükşahin-Çevik, Doğan &

  • Yıldız, 2016) • Self-esteem in the relationship between hopelessness and happiness (Büyükşahin-Çevik & Yıldız, 2016) • Teaching identity and professional concern (Balaman & Gelibolu, 2018; Kahraman & Çelik, 2019; Ulubey,

  • Yıldırım & Alpaslan, 2018; Uluyol & Şahin, 2018; Yılmaz, G, 2015) • Problem posing skills in mathematics education (Aydoğdu-İskenderoğlu & Güneş, 2016) • Academic achievement orientation levels (İzci & Koç, 2012) • Personality structures and perceptions of transactional distance (İkiel, Horzum & Üngören, 2019) • Metaphor studies: Regarding the pedagogical formation program (Dündar & Karaca, 2013; Erol, Özdemir,

  • Turhan, Boydak-Özan & Polat, 2017; Kart, 2016; Turhan-Türkkan, Yeşilpınar-Uyar & Yolcu, 2017; Yapıcı

  • & Yapıcı, 2013), self-efficacy (Çocuk, Yokuş & Tanrıseven, 2015), philosophy-oriented (Aslan &

  • Büyükalan-Filiz, 2018), education policies, employment-occupational future issues (Nartgün & Gökçer,

  • 2014), school administration and teachers (Şahin & Sabancı, 2018).

  • The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of the prospective teachers in different departments within the Faculty of Education and the trainees studying in pedagogical formation certificate programs on the concept of "pedagogical formation" through metaphors. Although there are many studies on pedagogical formation courses (Çetin, 2016; Dündar & Karaca, 2013; Erol et al., 2017; Kart, 2016; Yapıcı & Yapıcı, 2013), this study was aimed to be a comparison study due to insufficient comparison made in the studies conducted, the sample group's consisting of only the views of the education faculty or those of the pedagogical formation trainees, metaphor studies' with the pedagogical formation trainees being studies on the concepts of teaching, philosophy, school and administrator solely, and the lack of sufficient number of studies based on the concept of pedagogical formation. Problem Status

  • Method In this study, phenomenology, one of the qualitative research approaches, and descriptive statistics were used to demonstrate the results. In phenomenology studies, it is aimed to conduct in-depth research about a concept or a phenomenon and to determine the meanings attributed by the participants (Creswell, 2007). The concept of "pedagogical formation" discussed within the scope of the research has been tried to be explained through metaphors. Metaphor is explained as follows: ''Metaphor is the use of a new phenomenon or object to describe, explain, using the properties of known things. The aim of the metaphor is to help understand and explain the unknown phenomenon.'' (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p. 36) Lakoff and Johnson (1980, p.158) emphasized that “people explain facts with the help of metaphors and act accordingly” and added surmounting that metaphors used to explain thoughts on a subject also guide behaviors. When metaphor applications are examined in the relevant literature, it can be seen that, the studies conducted are predominantly phenomenology studies (Alger, 2006; Aydın, 2011; Karasu-Avcı & Faiz, 2018; Köse, 2017; Köseoğlu, 2017; Martinez, Sauleda & Huber, 2001; Moser, 2000; Saban, 2004; Yılmaz & Yanarateş, 2020). Considering the collection of data, the classification of the collected data as metaphors, and the demonstration of the obtained results with descriptive statistics, it can be stated that quantitative applications are also included, albeit partially (Çetin & Solmaz, 2020; Leavy, Mcsorley & Bote, 2007). The Study Group While determining the study group of the research, probability-based sampling/stratified sampling/disproportionate stratified sampling method was preferred. The reason for choosing this sampling method is that the number of prospective teachers and pedagogical formation trainees studying in the relevant departments are not equal and vary from department to department (Canbazoğlu-Bilici, 2019). The demographic characteristics of the study group are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Demographic characteristics for the study group Group Department Frequency (f) % F

  • A form consisting of open-ended questions was used as a data collection tool in the study. There are 2 questions in this form. In the first question, participants were asked to write down the departments they graduated from or are currently studying. In the second question, they were ask to fill in an expression left blank as such: ''Pedagogical formation certificate program course is like………………………….'' and ''This is because…………………………………." by using a metaphor. This applied form shows similarity to the ones resorted to many metaphor studies (Kılcan & Akbaba, 2013; Pesen, Kara & Gedik, 2015; Soysal & Afacan, 2012). Data Analysis

  • While analyzing the data, first of all, the steps of forming the general framework, coding and sorting, determining the theme/category, determining the sample metaphor images, and defining and interpreting the findings were followed (Kılcan, 2019; Özkan, 2019; Yılmaz & Yanarateş, 2020). Since all the data were collected from volunteer participants, there was no form that was left out of the analysis and left blank. Descriptive and content analysis techniques were used collocatively while analyzing the data. In studies that adopt qualitative research approaches, it is recommended to do content analysis alongside descriptive statistics (Denzin & Lincoln, 1998; Miles & Huberman, 1994; Mor-Dirlik, 2020; Silverman, 2000). Reliability and Validity Measures

  • In the evaluation of reliability applications, the opinions of the field experts were obtained in the first phase. Analyzer triangulation was used in coding and sorting out the metaphor findings obtained. With this application, it was aimed to prevent similar and controversial situations while coding. Furthermore, the consensus and disagreement levels of the coders were calculated with the help of the formula determined by Miles & Huberman (1994) and this ratio was determined as 87% in the first group and 74% in the second group. Since the consensus levels of the coders were in ideal ranges, the Cohen Kappa Coefficient was determined and the rate of harmony and interoperability between coders was determined as .83. In addition, during the study, direct quotations were included from time to time within the scope of credibility and transferability and examples were presented based on raw data. While analyzing metaphor findings; analysis units, codes to be used (preparing a coding guide, piloting application development, training coders), categories, data processing and interpretation steps were also included in the process (Flick, 2009; Patton, 2014).

  • possibility of being appointed. Indeed, many studies in the literature support this idea (Bağçeci et al., 2015;

  • Biber & Tuna, 2015; Kartal & Afacan, 2012; Özdemir & Erol, 2015; Süral, 2014; Tepeli & Caner, 2014). When the

  • in a short period of six months (Birişçi & Kul, 2018; Yalçın-İncik & Akay, 2015). In the study conducted by

  • Kiraz and Dursun (2015), it is stated that the pedagogical formation course is an easy and insufficient process

  • agents of a violation of rights. Süral and Sarıtaş (2015) stated in their study that only one third of the

  • criterion, and that there is an inadequate educational process in the end (Aycan, 2015; Büyükşahin-Çevik,

  • Doğan & Yıldız, 2016; Kahraman & Çelik, 2019; Kıral, 2017; Ulubey, Yıldırım & Alpaslan, 2018; Yapıcı & Yapıcı,

  • 2013). When the positive metaphor category was examined, it was determined that the prospective teachers

  • Tuna (2015) stated in their study that prospective teachers found pedagogical formation courses necessary and

  • useful. Again, Çiçek-Sağlam (2015) stated in their study that prospective teachers had positive opinions, but

  • and Tanrıseven (2015) used the metaphor of life as material in their study, while Erol et al. (2017) similarly

  • category in the literature, metaphors such as compulsion (Çocuk, Yokuş & Tanrıseven, 2015), necessity

  • (Dündar & Karaca, 2013), obligation/a new hope (Erol et al., 2017), prerequisite (Turhan-Türkkan, Yeşilpınar-

  • Uyar & Yolcu, 2017) were formed. When the category of negative metaphor is examined, it can be stated that

  • the low quality of the training (Demirtaş & Kırbaç, 2016; Temel, Altınkök & Kayışoğlu, 2016). When the tools

  • to be a teacher and to be appointed (Gurol, Türkan & Som, 2018; Uygun, 2016).

  • Erol et al. (2017) reached similar results in their study and stated that pedagogical formation trainees can use this process as a tool in terms of becoming teachers. When the education metaphor category is examined, it can be said that the trainees deem this situation as an educational opportunity in order to improve themselves and become a competent teacher (Kiraz & Dursun, 2015; Yüksel, Çetin & Berikan, 2019). GülbahçıDede and Akkoç (2016) state in their study that the training of the trainees is an educational opportunity in terms of their career preferences and self-development. When the category of family metaphor is examined, it may be effective in the creation of this category that the training of the trainees can establish good relationships as in a family environment during their education and think that there is a promising process like the way they see themselves and their development in their families (Polat, 2013). It can be stated that the pedagogical formation courses are likened to the family environment in terms of making life plans for the trainees, developing new hopes and offering alternatives to create many opportunities (Yıldırım, Alpaslan & Ulubey, 2019). When the category of innovation metaphor is examined, it can be said that the trainees produced metaphors such as "reaching the enlightenment, having a quality profession, being close to being a teacher, the sun rising with hope, being able to dream new dreams, starting again when you have run out of steams" and deem this course as a turning point in their lives. When the category of metaphor of nature is examined, it can be seen that this metaphor is produced jointly by both prospective teachers in education faculty and pedagogical formation trainees. Like nature's self-renewal and constantly repeating struggle, individuals are enrolled in these courses in order to hold on to life and become a teacher, and they are in a tough race, being appointed is the finish line. Since this situation is common to both groups, it is a natural result that their ideas overlap in the similar metaphor category.

  • This research is limited to the results of the research conducted in a state university in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. In the research, a specific sample group and a limited group of stakeholders were studied. For this reason, it may be suggested to conduct a new study with the participation of a wider stakeholder group. Conducting the research using a single method can be explained as a limitation. For this reason, it is recommended to re-evaluate the study using different methods and data collection tools. In addition, it is suggested by the researchers of this study that the pedagogical formation course program will be replaced by the Council of Higher Education as of January 2021, and that the programs or programs should be structured by taking into account the concerns and expectations revealed in this study. Ethical Statement

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