Satisfaction Level for Distance Education Applied during the Covid 19 Process: A Bibliometric Analysis

Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-Volume 13, Issue 5
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-10-27 13:14:36.0
Language : English
Konu : Educational Sciences
Number of pages: 1590-1602
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




During the Covid 19 epidemic, which has a global impact, there has also been a great change in education systems. The level of satisfaction with the distance education applied in this process has had an important effect on the success of the students. This research aims to examine the satisfaction level of distance education applied during the covid 19 processes with bibliometric analysis. In the study, articles (n=107) obtained from the Scopus database were examined. The analysis of the data was carried out with the Vosviewer social network analysis program. At the end of the research, it was seen that the articles examining the level of satisfaction with distance education were generally carried out in the fields of medicine, computer sciences, and social sciences. It was determined that researches are mostly carried out in countries such as the USA, China, Saudi Arabia, England, and Canada. Data were also analyzed by bibliometric analysis. According to the results of the analysis, it has been seen that the keywords are networked with words such as a pandemic, online learning, distance education, satisfaction, e-learning, higher education, online education concerning the word covid 19. Finally, it was determined that the abstracts of the articles were grouped in four clusters and the collaboration between the authors in three clusters.


  • It is striking that distance education studies include the studies of different field experts as well as the field of educational technology. Achievement attitude and satisfaction, appear as important variables in research. Comparative studies are more prominent in studies (Horzum, Özkaya, Demirci, & Alpaslan, 2013). In their meta-analysis study, Allen, Bourhis, Burrell & Mabry (2002) stated there was no significant difference between the satisfaction levels of students towards traditional teaching and distance education methods. This situation showed that the distance education application, whose importance was increasing rapidly with the spread of technology today, is evaluated positively for students. Chang & Smith (2008) stated that in addition to the interactions between student, instructor, and content, gender, and online infrastructure characteristics also affect satisfaction in the distance education process. According to Harsasi & Sutawijaya (2018), the design of the distance education environment and the flexible planning of the course are important variables that affect the success of online learning, which can be effective in increasing the competency levels of the participants. When the satisfaction level of students towards distance education is examined, it was seen that they generally display a positive approach, including medical education (Fatani, 2020). However, the vast majority of students prefer a hybrid learning model rather than just online learning (Sindiani, Obeidat, Alshdaifat, Elsalem, Alwani, Rawashdeh, ... & Tawalbeh, 2020).

  • Similarly, Talib, Bettayeb & Omer (2021), who analyzed studies examining student opinions during the Covid 19 process, states that online education is found to be satisfactory, beneficial, and effective by students and teachers. However, some participants expressed concerns about the effectiveness of distance learning, the unpredictability of the future, and the long-term consequences of these technological developments in health, education, and safety. Similar to this research, Davies, Howell, & Petrie, (2010) in their study in which they reviewed distance education research conducted by graduate students between 1998 and 2007, determined that the research generally addressed the perceptions and satisfaction levels of participants with a certain distance education experience. He, Yang, Xu, Ping, Li, Sun, ... & Zhang (2021), in their meta-analysis study comparing distance education and traditional education, found that online distance education is not significantly different from traditional education and students have a higher level of satisfaction. When we look at the studies on distance education in general, it was seen that the satisfaction level of the majority of the participants is high. education systems. The level of satisfaction with the distance education applied in this process has had an important effect on the success of the students. For this reason, it is important to take comprehensive measures and implement appropriate regulations as a result of the results of the studies examining the satisfaction levels of students in a collective way. There was no study in the literature collectively examines the satisfaction level researches for the Covid 19 process. In addition, large-scale and global evaluation of the factors affecting the level of satisfaction is considered important in revealing the relationship between the field of education and technology and evaluating the applicability of the technology in education. In this context, it is expected that the study will make an important contribution to the literature. This research aims to examine the researches that deal with the satisfaction level of distance education applied in the Covid 19 process with bibliometric analysis. This study tries to answer to the following questions.

  • Method Model of the Research In this research, bibliometric analysis was used within the scope of data mining to analyze the articles on the satisfaction level for distance education applied during the Covid 19 process. Bibliometric analysis is a method that can use many analysis techniques such as co-entity, co-citation, co-author, bibliographic matching (Nova-Reyes, Muñoz-Leiva, & Luque-Martínez, 2020). Thanks to this analysis technique, influential authors, publications and prominent journals, countries and institutions on a particular subject can be determined. For this reason, those who want to follow the characteristics and development process of scientific outputs in a particular research area can apply this analysis method (Kurutkan & Orhan, 2018). The titles, abstracts, keywords, and collaboration between the authors of the article (n=107) obtained within the scope of this research were analyzed. Article Selection Process and Including Criteria Since the number of articles written in the field of distance education is very high, some criteria were taken into account in determining the number of articles included in the research. In this process, only studies with the title of satisfaction with distance education applied during the Covid 19 process (2019-2021 years) were used. Articles suitable for the scope of the research were obtained using the Scopus database. Scopus database includes many databases such as Elsevier, Sage, Springer, and Taylor & Francis (Mongeon & PaulHus, 2016). Within the scope of the research, it was first entered into the Scopus database on 03.07.2021 and searched according to the determined criteria. Published articles were included in the scope of the research with the words distance education and satisfaction in the title between the years 2019-2021. (TITLE (Covid 19 AND satisfaction) AND ABS ( articles ) ) AND PUBYEAR > 2018 AND PUBYEAR < 2022 AND ( LIMITTO ( PUBSTAGE , "final" ) ) AND ( LIMIT TO ( OA , "all" ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SRCTYPE , "j" ) ) articles with the concept of covid 19 and satisfaction in the title and abstract in the last three years were filtered out.A total of (n=140) articles, conference proceedings, letters, reviews, and book chapters were obtained. When only the articles were classified (n=107), the article was reached. Analysis of Data Analyzes were performed using the VOSviewer statistical program. The main reason for choosing the VOSviewer program in this study is that distance-based and graphic-based maps used in scientific mapping techniques can be prepared by the program. With the VOSviewer program, which is a text mining application, a bibliometric analysis of journals, analysis of certain subject areas, analysis to determine the word density in studies, analysis of the content of websites, analysis of student performances, analysis of theses and coauthorship can be performed. With VOSviewer, studies can be created in which the subject distributions of the journals are determined according to the years (Artsin,2020).

  • Results Between the years 2019-2021, 107 articles about the satisfaction level for distance education were reached during the covid 19 pandemic process. The distribution of the articles by subject areas, years, countries, journals in which they were published, and publication languages are presented respectively. Table 1. Distribution of articles within the subject areas When the satisfaction surveys designed for the quality of distance education applied worldwide during the Covid 19 process are examined, it was seen that these were conducted in the field of social sciences with a maximum of 42.99% (n=46). This was followed by Medicine 41.12% (n=44) and Computer Sciences 9.35% (n=10), respectively (Table 1). Table 2. Distribution of articles by publication years According to table 2, 52.33% (n=56) of the articles examining the level of satisfaction with distance education during the Covid 19 process were published in 2021, and 47.66% (n=51) in 2020.Beside it was seen that there was not any article published in 2019. This may be due to the small number of articles written on the subject due to the new onset of the Covid 19 pandemic. Figure 1. Distribution of articles by publication years

  • When Figure 1 was examined, it can be said that approximately the same number of studies have been produced on the subject of satisfaction with distance education during the two-year pandemic period. Considering that 2021 has not yet ended, it can be predicted that there will be an increase in the number of researches in this field by the end of the year.

  • According to the results of bibliometric analysis, keywords such as online learning, distance education, satisfaction, e-learning, higher education, online education were found to be associated with the word Covid 19. Similar to these findings, Zawacki-Richter (2009) indicates that the issues were discussed student support, instructional design, educational technologies, etc., as the main research topics in distance education since the 1980s. In support of this situation, Özmen & Kan (2021) stated that in the last five years most of the theses were prepared on distance education in fields such as computer sciences and educational sciences. The most frequently used words in the theses are e-learning, web-based distance education, online education, distance learning, internet-based education, distance education, success, higher education, motivation, attitude. Therefore, it would be appropriate to direct students to the use of different online education tools in order to increase their satisfaction levels during the pandemic process. When face-to-face education is introduced after the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers and students should be encouraged to use online tools to improve teaching and learning (Pokhrel & Chhetri, 2021). According to Can (2020) the pandemic has important pedagogical implications. During this period, there was a significant increase in demand for open and distance education. In addition, the importance of open and distance education services in the society was begun to be understood. This pandemic was shown that not only quantity but also quality is important in open and distance education. Covid-19 pandemic was showed that the open and distance education system in Turkey needs to be strengthened in terms of infrastructure, access, security, content, design, implementation, quality, legislation and pedagogy. In addition, Güneş, Üstündağ, Yalçın & Safran (2017) evaluated the bibliometric analysis of studies conducted in the field of education between 1980-2014 and found that the concepts of teacher, teaching and education were mostly included in the field of education. This is important in terms of showing that some common concepts are used in educational studies regardless of time.

  • One of the findings obtained in the research was that the cooperation between the authors of the articles written during the covid 19 process (2019-2021) were grouped under three clusters. The first cluster was composed of authors who were living in Canada, India and the USA. The second cluster was composed of authors who were living in China and England, and the last cluster was composed of authors who were living in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Similarly Zawacki-Richter, Bäcker & Vogt (2009) also stated that collaborative research and more qualitative studies have an important place in distance education research. Key words such as pandemic, online learning, distance education, satisfaction, e-learning, higher education, online education are frequently included in the studies, where the articles examined in the research are mostly in the fields of medicine, computer science and social sciences, the number of studies conducted in the USA and European countries is quite high. It can be said that the studies are concentrated at the higher education level.

  • This research includes articles (between 2019-2021) written to examine the level of satisfaction with distance education applied during the Covid 19 pandemic process. In this process, the effect of education applied in many different fields, especially medicine and social sciences, on students was reflected. Since the Covid 19 pandemic continues to show its effect worldwide, it was thought that the number of researches on distance education applied during the pandemic process will increase in the coming years. In this context, it would be appropriate to focus on meta-analysis studies and literature reviews that examine researches in a holistic way. In addition, bibliometric studies examining the quality of distance education in different disciplines, expectations, attitudes, satisfaction and successes of students, faculty members and other stakeholders in the process can also be brought into literature.

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