Content Analysis of Postgraduate Theses Related to Misconceptions in Chemistry Education Between 2000-2020

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-Volume 14, Issue 2
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-03-28 13:04:20.0
Language : English
Konu : Mathematics and Science Education
Number of pages: 341-358
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




This research carried out a content analysis of access-authorized graduate theses, made in Turkey between 2000-2020 and registered on the official website of the Council of Higher Education [CoHE]-National Thesis Center, by document review method on the misconceptions encountered in chemistry education. For this purpose, a total of thirty accessible postgraduate theses with full access permits were examined, eight of which were doctoral and twenty-two were master degrees. In addition, six master theses, which were made between 2000 and 2003 and only the abstract part of which can be accessed, contributed to the research. Therefore, the research sample consists of thirty-six graduate theses related to "Misconceptions in Chemistry" carried out in the last two decades, 30 of which have full access permissions and six summary access permissions. Theses examined within the scope of the research; type, year of publication, the purpose of research, research subject, research method, working group, data collection tool, data analysis method, conclusions reached, and presented suggestions are classified and subjected to content analysis. All of the doctorate and master theses on the National Thesis Center website, mentioned in their names together with the "chemistry" and "misconceptions" keywords, have been reached. The difference between the other studies in this field is the richness of the problem situation, and the broader period the theses are done.


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