Investigation of Differentiation in Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies According to Emotion, Experience, and COVID-19 Awareness during the Pandemic Period

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-Volume 14, Issue 2
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-05-20 17:59:00.0
Language : English
Konu : Guidance and psychological counseling
Number of pages: 564-581
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




The aim of the study was to examine the differentiation in cognitive emotion regulation strategies according to emotions, experiences, and Covid-19 awareness experienced during the pandemic. A causal comparison design was used based on data from 560 participants (193(34.5%) male; 367(64.5%) female), obtained through online platforms. Covid-19 Awareness Scale and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Scale were used. Independent groups t-test was used to examine the differentiation of emotion regulation strategies according to Covid-19 awareness (low/high). One-way ANOVA was conducted to examine the differentiation of cognitive emotion regulation strategies according to experiences and emotions that people felt during the pandemic. Of cognitive emotion regulation strategies, positive refocusing, refocus on planning, putting into perspective, and positive reappraisal differed significantly according to Covid-19 contagion precaution awareness. Catastrophizing, blaming others, focusing on thought, positive refocusing, refocus on planning, putting into perspective, positive reappraisal differed significantly according to Covid-19 current development awareness. Catastrophizing, self-blame, focusing on thought, refocus on planning, putting into perspective, and positive reappraisal differed significantly according to Covid-19 hygiene precaution awareness. Cognitive emotion regulation strategies differed according to experience and emotion categories (Positive/Negative/Both positive and negative/Neither positive nor negative) that people felt during the pandemic. Although most people had negative emotions and negative experiences during the pandemic, one could argue that those who spent the process with positive emotions and experiences mostly used adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies. In general, people with high Covid-19 awareness seem to use adaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies more.


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