This study examined the relationship between empowering leader behaviors of school principals and self-efficacy and organizational resilience perceptions of teachers. The universe of the research consisted of teachers working in public primary schools in 5 education regions in the center of Elâzığ in the 2020-2021 educational year. Among them, 385 took part in the study. Simple random sampling, one of the probabilistic sampling methods, was used in sample selection. The Structural Equation Modelling results revealed that self-efficacy predicted organizational resilience, and empowering leadership predicted teachers' self-efficacy and organizational resilience in a positive and significant way. In addition, empowering leadership explained 20% of the variance in self-efficacy, and empowering leadership and self-efficacy explained 40% of the variance in organizational resilience. Finally, it was concluded that self-efficacy had a partial mediating role in the relationship between empowering leadership and organizational resilience.
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Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan . 2022 . The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.DOI:null
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan .(2022).The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan ,"The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience" , International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2022)
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan . 2022 . The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2022. DOI:null
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan .The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2022)
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan .The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2022)
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan . (2022) .The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan . The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2022 doi:null
Ahmet Alper Karagozoglu- Mukadder Boydak Ozan ."The Relationship Between Empowering Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Resilience",International Online Journal of Educational Sciences(2022)
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