Exploring the Curriculum Literacy Level of English Language Teachers

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-Volume 14, Issue 5
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-12-13 16:27:07.0
Language : English
Konu : Educational Sciences
Number of pages: 1340-1360
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




In this study, it is aimed to examine the curriculum literacy of English teachers in terms of various variables and to determine their views on curriculum literacy. To this end, a mixed research method was used by making use of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The study group of the quantitative dimension of the research consists of 179 English teachers. For the qualitative dimension, 65 teachers were selected from the study group based on the maximum diversity sampling. Within the scope of the research, the Curriculum Literacy Inventory for Language Teachers was applied to the teachers for the quantitative dimension. For the qualitative dimension, an interview form was consisting of 5 questions prepared and applied by the researchers, aiming to get the opinions of the teachers about the literacy levels of the curriculum. According to the results obtained from the analysis of the quantitative data analysis, the curriculum literacy of the majority of the teachers is at "moderate" and "high" levels. Since the literacy level of the teachers in the curriculum did not differ significantly according to the variables of gender and the school type, differed significantly according to age and seniority variables. According to the results obtained from the analysis of the qualitative data, it was determined that the teachers did not fully understand the definition of the curriculum concept; it has been understood that teachers think that curriculum literacy contributes positively to the implementation of curriculum and classroom management.


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  • studies in the literature. In Gülpek's (2020) study, teachers who graduated from the Department of Physical

  • scores than teachers. In the study conducted by Gömleksiz & Erdem (2018), it can be said that the level of

  • In the qualitative dimension of the research, the following results were obtained: When the teachers participating in the research were asked about the definition of the curriculum, the teachers mostly thought of the learning-teaching process and the strategies, methods, and techniques they used in this process. After that, the most frequently mentioned expressions regarding the definition of the curriculum were the goal, content, and lesson plan. In addition to these, the number of teachers emphasizing all four elements of the curriculum was very few. These results indicate that most teachers could not fully grasp the curriculum; they only associate it with a single item such as the teaching process, the goal, or the content. According to Posner (1995; cited in Keskin, 2020), the curriculum is meaningless until it is applied correctly by the teachers. Factors such as physical, cultural, temporal, economic, organizational, political, and personal evaluations of the teacher can bring the curriculum to life as well as prevent the curriculum from coming to life, and these factors draw the framework of the curriculum. In this context, it can be explained that teachers' inability to fully grasp the concept of the curriculum has negative effects on curriculum literacy.

  • Regarding the contribution of curriculum literacy to teachers, teachers stated the contributions such as effective teaching, planned teaching, implementing the curriculum correctly, professional development, ensuring a variety of methods and techniques, and saving time. Çetinkaya & Tabak (2019) stated in their study that the ability of pre-service teachers to understand and interpret the curriculum correctly, to apply the curriculum correctly, and to adapt it according to the conditions are important factors that will lead them to become successful teachers in the future. According to the data obtained by Yıldırım (2019) in the development of a curriculum literacy scale, it is seen that a teacher's being curriculum literate in his field will undoubtedly contribute greatly to the quality of teaching and student success.

  • curriculum will affect this process positively. As stated in the McKinsey Report (McKinsey & Company, 2007;

  • cited in Call, 2018), the quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. High-quality

  • Regarding the effect of curriculum literacy on classroom management, teachers emphasized the dimensions of facilitating classroom management, reducing undesired behaviors, effective communication, ensuring active participation, ensuring time management, positive classroom atmosphere, flexible classroom organization, and ensuring empathy. Under this heading, teachers thought that curriculum literacy has effects on classroom management in facilitating classroom dominance, reducing undesirable behaviors, and effective communication. A few teachers thought that curriculum literacy does not affect classroom management. According to the results of teachers' views, it can be seen that curriculum literacy has positive effects on classroom management. According to Charles (1996; cited in Ada, 2000), curricula should be given through learning that is beneficial in students' lives and through activities that attract students' attention, actively involve students in the lesson, provide entertainment, and lead to meaningful success. This can be achieved by the high literacy levels of the teachers who are the implementers of the program.

  • When the views of teachers on the effects of having curriculum literacy on the academic development of students are examined, the effects of teachers such as increasing academic success, ensuring permanent learning, increasing knowledge, gaining language skills, increasing motivation, enabling development, gaining different perspectives, enabling systematic learning, increasing self-confidence were listed. In this regard, teachers thought that curriculum literacy had effects on increasing academic success, providing permanent learning, and increasing knowledge. Only one teacher thought that having curriculum literacy does not affect the academic development of students. According to these results, it can be seen that the teacher's curriculum literacy has positive effects on the academic development of the students. In the study of Yalçın Tılfaroğlu & Öztürk (2007) on the problems encountered in English teaching program applications; it is concluded that English teachers are not satisfied with teaching English to 4th and 5th-grade primary school students and that approximately 23% of teachers do not consider themselves sufficient. According to these results, it can be deduced that the low literacy of the teachers in the curriculum negatively affects the academic achievement of the students.

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