In this study, it was aimed to determine the views of the lecturers working at vocational schools on distance education applications during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was prepared with the qualitative research method. The study group of the research, in which the phenomenology design was used, was determined according to the maximum variation sampling. Accordingly, 23 lecturers working at Bingöl University Vocational School of Technical Sciences were included in the study group in the 2021-2022 academic year. An interview form consisting of open-ended questions developed by the researchers was used as a data collection tool in the research. The data collected from the lecturers were analyzed according to the descriptive analysis method. As a result of the research, the views of the instructors about the positive and negative situations they experienced regarding distance education practices during the pandemic process were revealed.
@article{2022,title={Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic},abstractNode={},author={Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas },year={2022},journal={International Online Journal of Educational Sciences}}
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas . 2022 . Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.DOI:null
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas .(2022).Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas ,"Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic" , International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2022)
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas . 2022 . Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2022. DOI:null
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas .Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2022)
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas .Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (2022)
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas . (2022) .Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas . Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic . International Online Journal of Educational Sciences . 2022 doi:null
Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz-Emine Kubra Pullu -Sinem Baylas ."Views of Lecturers Working at Vocational School on Distance Education Applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic",International Online Journal of Educational Sciences(2022)
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