Effects of Intertextual Reading on Creative Reading Skills

Author : Sevim Nilay Işıksalan
Number of pages : 273-288


The object of this study is to investigate whether intertextual reading between Turkish literature and world’s classics contributes to the development of creative reading skills of students through three postmodern narratives selected from Turkish literature. The "intertextuality", which is one of the basic construct factors of postmodern narratives, is that the author the narrator creates his/her work by references to his/her previous works, adumbrations, associations, quotations, parody-pastiche and transformations. The reader who enters a challenging reading process will try to give meaning to said factors in his/her mind, in other words he/she will pass to a “creative reading” by using his/her all cognitive processes. The main problem, however, is the reading deficiencies of the students. Students, who can connect with previous works in various dimensions, infer differently and comment on them, will re-establish the text. In this context intertextual reading will improve creative skills and increase reading cultures as well. This research, the subject matter of which is to determine the effects of the intertextual reading on creative reading skills, was carried out with 10 students who took a master degree in a university in Central Anatolia during the fall semester of 2016-2017. The "interview" method was used in the study of qualitative research design. Novels titled Yeni Hayat, Puslu Kıtalar Atlası ve Uykuların Doğusu, which are selected by students have been analyzed in the class and the students have written on the structured interview form that what contributions have been made to their creative reading skills by these narratives. Consequently, the students have indicated that the intertextual readings have made rich contributions to them for improving their creative reading skills and acquiring the reading culture although they had difficulties to find intertextuality factors in each three novel.


Intertextuality, postmodern narratives, creative reading

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