Environment Perception Scale: Study on Validity And Reliability

Author : Mürşet Çakmak
Number of pages : 268-287


The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scale for environmental perception of university students. In the study carried out in 2018, scanning model was employed. With the help of purposive sampling method, the study was conducted together with 315 students attending different departments/programmes of universities. A draft scale with 56 Items related to environmental perception was formed. The data of draft scale were created with aspects (such as metaphor/perception) about concept of environment in Turkey; and the studies performed qualitatively were prepared in the light of expert views. The data obtained from scale implemented were subjected to total item correlation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and reliability analyses. According to the results of analyses, it was seen that the scale was in the form of 32 items and 7 factors, and the variance rate explaining the whole scale was 60.859%, and compliance index values were acceptable and in good agreement. A low and medium level relationship among factors in positive direction was obtained. Cronbach alfa internal consistency reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.930. All in all, it is understood that the environmental perception scale prepared in 5 point Likert scale was valid and reliable according to findings obtained.


Environmental perception, scale, val

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