Reflections of Social Media, Television Series and Programs on Family Privacy According to Pre-Service Teachers’ Views

Author : Hulusi Geçgel - Fatih Kana
Number of pages : 70-84


This research aims to examine the views of pre-service teachers about the reflections of social media, television series and programs on family privacy. The case study design, which is one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study. The data obtained in the research were analysed through content analysis. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool in the research. According to the findings of the study, pre-service teachers think that social media in general damages family privacy. Pre-service teachers claim the following reasons why social media damages family privacy, the need to share, social media addiction, sharing happiness, over-sharing; wannabe and informing according to the purpose of using social media tools. It is seen that the pre-service teachers who participated in the study do not consider that the television series is careful about family privacy. One participant states that responsibility belongs to families. The pre-service teachers who participated in the research stated that television programs are found to be absurd in terms of family privacy. They state that there are cookery and marriage programs on television in general and that these programs harm the family structure and family privacy, which is sacred and precious. Pre-service teachers state, in general, that there is no family privacy. Pre-service teachers express that family privacy should be known well and it should not be shared. If the family shares, the child will also share, and what other people think is also a factor.


Privacy, social media, television series, television programs

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