Examination Of Pre-service Elementary School Mathematics Teacher' Knowledge For Algebra Teaching

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Year-Number: 2018-Volume 10, Issue 1
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The present study aims to analyze the pre-service elementary school mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching algebra, in the context of algebra pedagogical content knowledge. For this purpose, a test of 20 with validity and reliability on the basis of the conceptual framework of knowledge for teaching algebra, as built by McCrory et al. (2012), was developed, and applied with 101 senior-year pre-service teachers enrolled at a state university. The results reveal that the pre-service teachers exhibit mediocre performance in terms of algebra pedagogical content knowledge. The pre-service teachers were observed to experience difficulties regarding sub-component of algebra pedagogical content knowledge, namely student recognition. They also have difficulty to the "functions and their properties: linear and nonlinear" in algebra content, and the "core concepts and procedures" in domains of mathematical knowledge.



The present study aims to analyze the pre-service elementary school mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching algebra, in the context of algebra pedagogical content knowledge. For this purpose, a test of 20 with validity and reliability on the basis of the conceptual framework of knowledge for teaching algebra, as built by McCrory et al. (2012), was developed, and applied with 101 senior-year pre-service teachers enrolled at a state university. The results reveal that the pre-service teachers exhibit mediocre performance in terms of algebra pedagogical content knowledge. The pre-service teachers were observed to experience difficulties regarding sub-component of algebra pedagogical content knowledge, namely student recognition. They also have difficulty to the "functions and their properties: linear and nonlinear" in algebra content, and the "core concepts and procedures" in domains of mathematical knowledge.


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