The Opinions of Classroom Teachers and Normally Developing Children on Inclusive Practice

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Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 2
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The study aimed to investigating the opinions of elementary classroom teachers and children with normal levels of development in whose classes children with special needs were also present. The researchers conducted interviews with 10 teachers who worked at elementary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Edirne province and whose classes included both children with special needs and 10 children who registered normal levels of development attending the same classes. In the study, a phenomenological qualitative research design was used, the data of which were collected through interviews and analyzed employing content analysis. The results revealed that both the classroom teachers and the students were not adequately knowledgeable on the subject of inclusion. The majority of the teachers stated that children with special needs and normally-developing children were similar as the activities they both enjoyed were common, that children with special needs who had mild disabilities could benefit more from inclusive education, and that they mainly required support from special education teachers and families during inclusive practice. During inclusive practice, most of the teachers experienced difficulties with behavioral problems with the children with special needs, and with issues regarding lessons and social acceptance. As a solution, the teachers suggested the provision of special educational support. Furthermore, the study revealed that half of the children participating in the study did not play with the children with special needs, and that almost none of the children mentioned the children with special needs when questioned about the classmates they liked the most and the least.



The study aimed to investigating the opinions of elementary classroom teachers and children with normal levels of development in whose classes children with special needs were also present. The researchers conducted interviews with 10 teachers who worked at elementary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Edirne province and whose classes included both children with special needs and 10 children who registered normal levels of development attending the same classes. In the study, a phenomenological qualitative research design was used, the data of which were collected through interviews and analyzed employing content analysis. The results revealed that both the classroom teachers and the students were not adequately knowledgeable on the subject of inclusion. The majority of the teachers stated that children with special needs and normally-developing children were similar as the activities they both enjoyed were common, that children with special needs who had mild disabilities could benefit more from inclusive education, and that they mainly required support from special education teachers and families during inclusive practice. During inclusive practice, most of the teachers experienced difficulties with behavioral problems with the children with special needs, and with issues regarding lessons and social acceptance. As a solution, the teachers suggested the provision of special educational support. Furthermore, the study revealed that half of the children participating in the study did not play with the children with special needs, and that almost none of the children mentioned the children with special needs when questioned about the classmates they liked the most and the least.


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