0.05). It is determined that, the level of mathematical power of students who prefer the making-law style of thinking and judging style of thinking, is higher." /> 0.05). It is determined that, the level of mathematical power of students who prefer the making-law style of thinking and judging style of thinking, is higher."/>

The Thinking Styles of Secondary School 7th Grade Students and Their Mathematical Power (Pages: 186 - 199)

Author :  

Year-Number: 2016-Volume 8, Issue 1
Language : null
Konu : null


Mathematical power; is the ability of using mathematical relations, logical reason and mathematical techniques impressively. By improving the environment of the students who have low mathematical power and the teaching model, it can provided to access the mathematical power. In this respect, the aim of the study is to research the relation between the level of students’ mathematical power and their thinking styles. In this study there are 288 students from Gaziantep, in seventh grade and from 4 different secondary schools and they are selected randomly. By applying the edited inventory of the theory of mental self-government which is Sternberg's theory of thinking style that is the factors harmonious with maths lessons; thinking styles of students are examined. Immediately later, the mathematical power of students is determined by using the scale of the "mathematical power”, consisting of multiple-choice questions and open-ended problems. Test-T is used for the difference between two groups at the comparison of quantitative data. In the case of more than two groups, A one-way test (ANOVA Test) is used at the comparison of parameters between groups. In determining the Group's diversity, Tukey Post Hoc Test is used. It is found that the making-law style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is high, is (4,399 ± 0,423), is higher than the making-law style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is low (3,911 ± 0,708).In addition, it is found higher, the judging style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is low .(4,063 ± 0,523). Judging style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is high, is (4,399 ± 0,423), is higher than the making-law style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is low.(3,550 ± 0,710). It is found unmeaningful that the average of productive, integrity and detail style of thinking of students, according to the variable mathematical power common point level. (p>0.05). It is determined that, the level of mathematical power of students who prefer the making-law style of thinking and judging style of thinking, is higher.



Mathematical power; is the ability of using mathematical relations, logical reason and mathematical techniques impressively. By improving the environment of the students who have low mathematical power and the teaching model, it can provided to access the mathematical power. In this respect, the aim of the study is to research the relation between the level of students’ mathematical power and their thinking styles. In this study there are 288 students from Gaziantep, in seventh grade and from 4 different secondary schools and they are selected randomly. By applying the edited inventory of the theory of mental self-government which is Sternberg's theory of thinking style that is the factors harmonious with maths lessons; thinking styles of students are examined. Immediately later, the mathematical power of students is determined by using the scale of the "mathematical power”, consisting of multiple-choice questions and open-ended problems. Test-T is used for the difference between two groups at the comparison of quantitative data. In the case of more than two groups, A one-way test (ANOVA Test) is used at the comparison of parameters between groups. In determining the Group's diversity, Tukey Post Hoc Test is used. It is found that the making-law style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is high, is (4,399 ± 0,423), is higher than the making-law style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is low (3,911 ± 0,708).In addition, it is found higher, the judging style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is low .(4,063 ± 0,523). Judging style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is high, is (4,399 ± 0,423), is higher than the making-law style of thinking marks of the seventh grade students, whose common mathematical power mark is low.(3,550 ± 0,710). It is found unmeaningful that the average of productive, integrity and detail style of thinking of students, according to the variable mathematical power common point level. (p>0.05). It is determined that, the level of mathematical power of students who prefer the making-law style of thinking and judging style of thinking, is higher.


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